Reading the Same Selection from PostGIS Twice?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Dec 27 13:33:43 PST 2006

If you have separate layers then you'll hit the server twice, yes. Why
you need them in separate layers? You certainly can achieve the visual
(outlined polygons) within a single layer definition.


>>> Bill Thoen <bthoen at GISNET.COM> 12/27/2006 2:43:57 PM >>>
I've got a situation where I'm pulling the same selection of US county

polygons from PostGIS in two LAYERs because I want filled polygons in a

separate layer than the polygon outlines. I can make this work by 
defining the same DATA selection statement for each LAYER, but doesn't

this hit the PostGIS server twice? Is there a way to select the
from the database once and then split the selection into separate 
POLYGON type and LINE type layers within the MAP object?

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