Visualizing Point Data

Shoaib Burq hydromap at GMAIL.COM
Sun Feb 5 14:02:26 PST 2006


this thread may be what u want:

-- shoaib

On 2/6/06, Bill Binko <bill at> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 11:40 -0800, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> > I was just working on this last night:
> >
> >
> > check out the source for v.kernel in GRASS
> Dylan,
> This is an excellent example of what I'm trying to achieve.  Here are
> some quick thoughts about what you've shown:
> 1) How would you publish this "live" to the web?  Do you know how to
> integrate v.kernel to push its output to mapserver directly?  I know
> there are tools to push GRASS output through GDAL, and I suspect that
> that could be daisy chained into mapserver, but I'd like someone's
> opinion who's actually done this.  If there's an example (anybody?) or
> HOWTO of how to leverage GRASS this way?
> 2) What is the performance of v.kernel.  For example, I'll have 30-100K
> points over the state of florida.  For a zoomed out view, how long would
> that take to draw?  Perhaps a better question would be, what is the
> order of complexity of the approach taken by GRASS.
> 3) Unfortunately, because I may want to integrate this into Mapserver, I
> can't quite look at the GRASS source on this.  More specifically, I
> can't copy it since it's GPL into Mapserver, which is BSD and then
> distribute it. Now: I may choose to simply write code to call GRASS
> externally, but I wouldn't need to explore the source for that.
> I will however, get GRASS 6 up and running here so that I can explore
> it.  Thanks for the pointer.
> Bill
> Bill Binko <bill at>

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