Adding a feature and label to a map

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Feb 6 15:06:50 PST 2006

Chip: You need a layer to essentially hold/symbolize the dynamic point. Assuming that's called, say,
'mypnt' then the URL would like:


If you're using 4.8 you can ommit the 'map_mypnt_feature=new' variable, it is not needed.

Anyway, verbose but it should work.


>>> Chip Taylor <work at XWB.COM> 02/06/06 4:22 PM >>>
I am running MapServer under IIS6.0 as a CGI in, without MapScript support.
My projection is lat and long.  In either map or browser mode I'd like to be
able to pass in a lat long coordinate via the URL, along with a label for
that coordinate and have a symbol placed on the resulting map with the label
associated with it.  For example, if I have a symbol to use named "marker",
I'd like to pass in the lat and long coordinate (such as "-122.1234+47.5678"
and a label, such as "My House" and have the "marker" symbol appear on the
appropriate place on the map labeled as "My House".  How would I do that?

Your help is appreciated.
Chip Taylor
Prepared Response, Inc

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