Maximum number of symbols {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Tue Feb 7 11:45:11 PST 2006


The limit usually set to 64 symbols in a symbol file.
It is in the mapsymbol.h file. Increase the number in the source and
build mapserver.
#define MS_MAXSYMBOLS 64


On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, G. Madrigal wrote:

> hi,
> Recently I ran into a problem,  I have several
> classes using a specific symbol (png file)
> like this:
>   OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32
>     COLOR 0 0 0 # dummy color
>     SYMBOL 'symbols/yyyyy.png'
>   END
> END #end of class YYYYY
> My problem is that I have a lot of class definitions like the one above,
> and at some point, if I define a new symbol my map stops working.
> What's is the maximum number of allowed symbols? Where can I modify this value
> in the sources?
> I am using mapserver 4.6
> Regards,

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