.NET Framework SDk 2.0

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Tue Feb 7 12:46:37 EST 2006

Fabio D' Ovidio ha scritto:
> Does MapServer 4.4.1 support .NET Framework SDK 2.0 ?

I don't know if C# MapScript works with .NET 2, but you can work both in
BROWSE and *QUERY* mode using cgi. There are no threading issues except
Mapserver cgi itself (I suppose).
For example, using Ajax .NET

something like this (only an idea, not complete and raw):

Main .aspx page:

//using dbox
function setbox_handler(name, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) {
   document.mapserv.imgbox.value = minx + " " + miny + " " + maxx
+ " " + maxy;
      document.mapserv.imgxy.value = minx + " " + miny;
      //document.forms[0].submit(); <-- old form style
      retrieveMap(); <-- new Ajax style
<img id=main_image src="" width="" height="">
<input name="ref" type="image" id="referenceMap" src="">

Code behind:

if(!IsPostBack) {
    // Register the class that will hold the
(mapsrvNet.AjaxMethods), Page);
   } else {

file AjaxMethods.js:

var swapMapImageTime = 1000;
//offscreen images, used in preload
var imgMapOff = new Image();
var imgRefOff = new Image();

var queryString;
var layers;
var baseUrl;
var imgxy;
var imgext;
var mapwidth;
var mapheight;
var imgbox;
var zoom = 0;

function retrieveMap()

    //recupero lista layers
    var childNodes = document.getElementById("layerListDiv");
    layerArray = childNodes.getElementsByTagName("input");
    var i;
    var layersString = "";
    for(i=0; i < layerArray.length; i++) {
        if(layerArray[i].checked == true) {
            layersString += "&layer=" + layerArray[i].value;

    baseUrl = document.getElementById("baseUrl").value;
    imgxy = document.getElementById("imgxy").value;
    imgext = document.getElementById("imgext").value;
    mapwidth = document.getElementById("mapwidth").value;
    mapheight = document.getElementById("mapheight").value;
    imgbox = document.getElementById("imgbox").value;

    //build url
    querySting = baseUrl + layersString + "&mode=browse" + "&imgext=" +
imgext + "&imgbox=" + imgbox;

    AjaxMethods.RetrieveImage(querySting, retrieveMapImage_callback);

function retrieveMapImage_callback(res)
    try {
        if(typeof(res.value) == 'object' && res.error == null) {
            imgMapOff.src = res.value.mapImgUrl; //preload image
            imgRefOff.src = res.value.referenceMap;
            setTimeout("updateImg()",swapMapImageTime); //and wait n
seconds for image download
        } else  {
            throw res.error.toString();
     } catch (exception) {
        this.status = "PROBLEMS RETRIEVING MAP !";

function updateImg() {
    document.getElementById("main_image").src = imgMapOff.src;
    document.getElementById("referenceMap").src = imgRefOff.src;


file AjaxMethods.cs:

namespace mapsrvNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Summary description for Methods.
 /// </summary>
 public class AjaxMethods
  //qui devo creare classe Map
  public Map RetrieveImage(string queryString)
   string mapImgUrl = null;
   string mapwidth  = null;
   string mapheight = null;
   string scalebar = null;
   string imgxy = null; //[center] of the image
   string imgext = null;
   string legend = null;
   string referenceMap = null;

   Map map = null; //holds all map value

   try {
    // Create a 'WebRequest' with the specified
    //if(debug)throw new Exception
("queryString: "+queryString);
    HttpWebRequest webRequest =
(HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(queryString);
    //webRequest.KeepAlive = false;
    webRequest.Method = "GET";
    // Send the WebRequest and read response
    HttpWebResponse webResponse =
(HttpWebResponse) webRequest.GetResponse();
    Stream sResponse =
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader
    //first line is additional info from
    string header = reader.ReadLine();
    if(header == "<HTML>") {
     string message = reader.ReadToEnd();
     message += "\n\n\"" + header +
message + "\"\n\n";
     throw new Exception(message);
    //actual parameters
    mapImgUrl = reader.ReadLine();
    mapwidth = reader.ReadLine();
    mapheight = reader.ReadLine();
    scalebar = reader.ReadLine();
    imgxy = reader.ReadLine();
                  imgext = reader.ReadLine();
    legend = reader.ReadLine();
    referenceMap = reader.ReadLine();

    map = new Map(mapImgUrl, mapwidth,
mapheight, scalebar, imgxy, imgext, legend, referenceMap);


   } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new Exception

   return map;
  } //method

 } //class
} //namespace

file Map.cs:

namespace mapsrvNet
 /// <summary>
 /// Description of Map.
 /// </summary>
 public class Map

  public string mapImgUrl = "";
  public string mapwidth = "";
  public string mapheight = "";
  public string scalebar = "";
  public string imgxy = "";
  public string imgext = "";
  public string legend = "";
  public string referenceMap = "";

  public Map(string mapImgUrl, string mapwidth, string
mapheight, string scalebar, string imgxy, string imgext, string legend,
string referenceMap)
   this.mapImgUrl = mapImgUrl;
   this.mapwidth = mapwidth;
   this.mapheight = mapheight;
   this.scalebar = scalebar;
   this.imgxy = imgxy;
   this.imgext = imgext;
   this.legend = legend;
   this.referenceMap = referenceMap;

file web_template.html: (u could use also xml file)

.Map file:
TEMPLATE "templates/web_template.html"

U work in similar way with query templates.


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