experience with DWG files?

Bud P. Bruegger bud at COMUNE.GROSSETO.IT
Wed Feb 8 08:23:48 PST 2006

Hello everyone,

I noted that via OGR, Mapserver should be able to work natively with 
AutoCAD DWG files.  There was some mention on limitations in the OGR driver 

Does anyone have some experience to share to better understand what kind of 
problems I can expect to run into when using DWG without prior 
conversion?    Are there any conventions for the data in the DWG file that 
are necessary for success?

Considering that AutoDesk is involved with the Mapserver Foundation, is it 
reasonable to expect that DWG support will become more evolved in the 
future or is the impedance-missmatch between the CAD and GIS world going to 
cause remaining difficulties?

Many thanks in advance for any input


Ing. Bud P. Bruegger, Ph.D.                 +39-0564-488577 
(voice),  -21139 (fax)
Servizio Elaborazione Dati                    e-mail:  bud at comune.grosseto.it
Comune di Grosseto                            jabber:  bud at jabber.no
Via Ginori, 
43                                      http://www.comune.grosseto.it/cie/
58100 Grosseto (Tuscany, 
Italy)           http://www.comune.grosseto.it/interopEID/ 

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