OGR+ODBC with Debian Sarge Mapserver

Raw, Jeremy Jeremy.Raw at DURHAMNC.GOV
Fri Feb 10 12:07:07 EST 2006

I'll follow up my own post regarding getting ODBC access to work in
mapserver under Debian "sarge", since I now have this working (and so
others who might later search for a solution to this can be encouraged).
Straight recompilation proved to be an easy ticket to getting mapserver
working with Debian+Sarge+ODBC (and I upgraded to mapserver 4.8.1 in the
process, which may also have helped).  I was a bit intimidated about
recompilation from having tried this once before when I was running on
'woody' (older Debian version), and then had to deal with backports and
other such ugliness.  The present process is pretty painless since all
the required support libraries are already built in suitable development
versions as Debian packages.
So it really just boiled down to unpacking the mapserver source
distribution into a suitable directory, doing "./configure"  a few times
with suitable options turned on (and getting the missing packages as
they were identified) and finally doing a "make".  After everything
compiled, I just copied the revised mapserver into my cgi-bin folder
under a new name (so the old mapserv is still there just in case) and
I'm now happily displaying X/Y map points from a MySQL data table (even
using a rather more complicated query than shown originally).
I hope someone benefits from this someday...
Jeremy Raw
Transportation Systems Engineer / City of Durham / DCHC MPO
919-560-4366 ext. 308 / Jeremy.Raw at durhamnc.gov

From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Raw, Jeremy
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 4:02 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] OGR+ODBC with Debian Sarge Mapserver
Does OGR ODBC access to a database table containing X/Y data work in the
standard Debian sarge Mapserver package (as opposed to having to compile
it from the ground up myself)?
I've been happily running the Debian sarge standard package of Mapserver
(version 4.4.1) for a number of months.  The data sources for this
project have (until now) all been in shapefiles and inline features
(passed in via CGI).  I'm now trying to enlarge the application to
display point data from a MySQL database table containing X/Y data.
Following the terse but workable how-to on the Mapserver website, I've
got ODBC up and running and verified it all the way through using
ogrinfo (from the standard sarge gdal package) to access the data.
Unfortunately, my mapserver (and also shp2img) perform a segmentation
fault every time they try to access the ODBC layer, with no indication
of what's wrong.
All I'd really like to know is if someone has gotten this to work (or
equally, if someone knows for sure that the standard sarge package does
not have suitable capabilities compiled in, or if it conflicts with
something else etc.) before I set about building the whole mapserver
setup from scratch.
Here's the test.ovf file (OGR Connection definition), which as I noted
works fine with ogrinfo (the file lives in my SHAPEPATH):
    <OGRVRTLayer name='mypoints'>
    <SrcDataSource>ODBC:user/password at MySQL</SrcDataSource>
    <SrcSQL>Select * from mypoints where (ptid&lt;100) </SrcSQL>
    <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='xcoord' y='ycoord' />
Here's the (very basic) layer definition from the mapfile - the "circle"
symbol is defined and works in other layers.
    NAME "mypoints"
    CONNECTION "test.ovf"
    DATA "mypoints"
            COLOR 0 0 0
            SIZE 2
            SYMBOL "circle"
Any help or advice much appreciated.
Jeremy Raw
Transportation Systems Engineer / City of Durham / DCHC MPO
919-560-4366 ext. 308 / Jeremy.Raw at durhamnc.gov
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