php_mapscript_48.dll issues

Luke Savage luke at SAVAGETRIBE.NET
Sun Feb 12 21:12:35 PST 2006

Hello Users,

I haven't been able to connect to php_mapscript_48.dll using the installation package from
The error is below.  I have followed the installation text document but it
seems the extension in the php.ini file is not able to run the extension.
PHP is coming up just fine but the extension is not running.  I have placed
the DLL in system32, php root, php/ext, mapserver_binaries, system.I've run
out of ideas on troubleshooting this problem.  Any help would be much



Apache 2.0.55

PHP 5.1.2

Mapserver 4.8.1


Warning: dl() [function.dl <http://localhost/function.dl> ]: Not supported
in multithreaded Web servers - use extension=php_mapscript_48.dll in your
php.ini in C:\apache\Apache2\htdocs\php_hello.php on line 1


Testing php file.

<?php  dl("php_mapscript_48.dll");




Luke Savage



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