queryByPoint on dynamic layer from mysql

kristjan kristjan at TARKVARASTUUDIO.EE
Tue Feb 21 23:25:45 PST 2006

I am using PHP. But I did not use PHPMapscript functions to add new 
shapes to my database. I used PHPMapscript to draw the map and get the 
pointst from user but then I used just regular SQL commands to add new 
shapes to my database.
The error to witch you were refering '[MapServer Error]: 
msINLINELayerGetShape(): No inline feature with this index' sounds like 
there is a record in the feature table but not in geometry table - I'm 
not shure but check it out.
I tested the index stuff with filling the ID field of my features table 
with several values and they all worked well as long as they were 
unique. I even have different type of geometrys in my table (points and 
polygons), but they are drawn in separate layers with different data 
clauses like "DATA 'geometry from (select * from objekt where 
klass_id=1) feature, objekt_bin geometry'" and "DATA 'geometry from 
(select * from objekt where klass_id=2) feature, objekt_bin geometry'"


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