ArcIMS x Mapserver...

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 22 14:02:04 PST 2006

Hi Paul,

In Canada it is about $12,000 to buy ArcIMS by itself.  You don't need
ArcView, but if you have it, it makes things easier. If you need to
split the load to other servers / CPU's ... its $12,000 more per CPU
!! Not sure if there's any reduction for larger purchases.

It took me 1.5 days to get it running properly. From there simple maps
using the default viewers are very fast to create from existing MXD

I'm not sure how this compares to the MapServer tools (the tools for
creating .map files from ArcView, or Chameleon) as I do it the hard
way, in text editors.

As a true blue MapServer person, I still have the bad taste in my
mouth for being forced to install ArcIMS,  but I suppose every tool
has it's uses, especially when a client demands it.

Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

On 2/22/06, Paul james <pauljame at> wrote:
> Hello people...
> I need to show up to a client a price comparison between ArcIMS and
> Mapserver... But I dont know How much ArcIMS license cost at all... Anybody
> could help me on this task?
> ty

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