Postgis and EXPRESSION

Stefan Schwarzer stefan.schwarzer at GRID.UNEP.CH
Thu Feb 23 02:33:48 PST 2006

Hahaha. That was a good one. Thanks a lot. Quite right. I actually  
tried it before, but like ['reg_name']... didn't know (and didn't  
understand) that the apostrophes should be around the bracktes...



>>         CLASS
>>             NAME ''
>>                 EXPRESSION ([reg_name] ne 'Africa')
> Don't forget to put quotes around [reg_name]. Aren't you trying to  
> do a string comparison between the value of reg_name and "Africa"?  
> Well, then you'll need them as Mapserver simply replaces [reg_name]  
> with it's actual value before evaluating the expression.
> So, I suggest giving a try to somewhat like this:
> EXPRESSION ('[reg_name]' ne 'Africa')

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