Serving ECW's with Mapserver 4.8.1

Ajay Ranipeta sc0rp10nau at YAHOO.COM.AU
Fri Feb 24 06:29:48 PST 2006

Hi Shoaib,

Thanks for the reply. The extents are correct, I've even set it up to
display in full world extents. As mentioned before, I've got others layers
coming up (eg: shapes, wbmps, geotiffs) in the same mapfile, but this is the
only layer that doesn't show up.

I can view the ecw's in ArcGIS, ERViewer, FWTools, etc, except using Mapserver.

I guess I forgot to mention that I'm running this on Windows XP, Mapserver
4.8.1 (ms4w download).

Hope this helps, please let me know if you need anymore info.

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