
Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN David.Hunter at FNF.COM
Fri Feb 24 10:55:46 PST 2006

I am using mapserver CGI with shapefiles, and have a web interface that
includes a rubberband - type of area selection tool.   I use
itemnquerymap mode to highlight certain polygons, which works fine.
However, if the user selects an area with the rubberband tool that does
not include one of the queried polygons, mapserver generates an error:


msQueryByAttributes(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s)


and a red X is displayed in the web page.  Is there a trick I could do
that would cause the map to be generated, even if no matches were found
in the query?


David S. Hunter
Sr. Software Engineer
Fidelity National Geographic Solutions
division of Fidelity National Financial
5353 Gamble Drive, Suite 201
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
* Email: david.hunter at
' Phone: 952.542.1440 ext. 256
* Fax: 952.542.3859


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