ECW Support {Scanned}

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Jan 4 12:53:05 PST 2006

For the record, if you run \ms4w\gdal-ogr-utils\setenv.bat this will set 
the path to the necessary dlls, and avoid having to move the dlls.


Siki Zoltan wrote:
> In case of my ms4w 1.2.2 you can find gdal utitilities in 
> \ms4w\gdal-ogr-utils dir but the neccessary dlls are in the apache cgi-bin
> directory. You must copy the gdal_tranlate to the cgi-bin dir or
> copy the dlls to the windows\system32 dir.

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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