Legend Labels offset down.

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Jan 10 13:13:59 EST 2006

I do think there is a bug present. Probably a counter not being reset properly
as layers are looped through. Please file a bug with a couple of image samples
that show the progressive shift downward.


>>> Ken Lord <kenlord at gmail.com> 01/09/06 7:24 PM >>>
Legend Image label offset problem revisited from December ...

The LABEL OFFSET parameter appeared to have helped fix the problem of
mis-positioned labels in my legend image however the amount of the
erroneous offset depends on how many layers i have turned on. The more
layers turned on, the further downward my labels are offset relative
to their symbols.

So a constant correction value in the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge
the labels back up only works up to a point.

Are there any other suggestions out there ... or dare I risk
submitting another bug report that I may not be able make both
transferable and repeatable for our happy developers to dig into?

Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

On 12/13/05, Ken Lord <kenlord at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Steve, The offset parameter did the trick.
> I see what you mean by consistancy, the same font behaves fine on my
> home system.
> Ken
> On 12/13/05, Steve Lime <steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
> > You see that offset with some fonts. I'm not sure why and it is not consistent. It could be problems in the way GD is interpreting font metrics or problems with the font file itself (they are not all created equal). Could even be a MapServer bug but if so I would expect a more consistent problem. Anywho there is an easy workaround. Use the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge them up a bit (e.g. OFFSET 0 -2).
> >
> > Steve
> >
> > >>> Ken Lord <kenlord at GMAIL.COM> 12/13/05 8:15 PM >>>
> > Hi List,
> >
> > In my legend image (not an html legend),  with mapserver 4.8b2 CGI,
> > the labels for the features in the legend are being placed to the
> > lower right of the legend icon, instead of directly to the right.
> >
> > This position has the appearance of the default lower right labelling
> > position for features on the map,  but of course makes the legend
> > impossible to read, with all the text offset down, next to the wrong
> > legend icon.
> >
> > I've confirmed this by setting the Y spacing in the legend to a large
> > value to space it all apart.
> >
> > I've tried using POSITION cr  within the label object of my legend in
> > my mapfile, but it does not help (and was not needed in the past
> > versions).
> >
> > Am I missing something in my settings, or is this possibly a new bug?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ken Lord
> > Vancouver BC
> >

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