help with ARCSDE 9.1

krishna S kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jan 11 07:34:22 PST 2006

Hello all,
       From my previous posts i got to know that ms4w doesnt support
arcsde. So i was suggested to use
hobu's binaries for arcsde but the are for arcsde9.0 where as the arcgis
server which my org has is 9.1. So i guess i should use arcsde 9.1 client
     I am compiling mapserver 4.6.2 on my windows machine. I dont know if
this supports arcsde 9.1. Did anyone previously work with mapserver and
arcsde. If you have worked can you please suggest me the steps to compile
mapserver 4.6.2 for arcsde9.1.

Hope i get some possible answers ....

Thanka for your help .....

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