PHP Mapscript hep

krishna S kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jan 13 11:09:37 EST 2006

Hello all, i was previousy trying to compile mapserver 4.6.2 on windows
2000 but was unsuccesfull as i got a bunch of errors and i couldnt figure
out what they are. So i downloaded the Mapserver and phpmapscript 4.8.0 for
php5.1.1 and copied the phpmapscript dll to the extensions directory and
mapserver to the webserver cgi-bin dir. But now i get a new error when i
run my phpscript to generate map, its

Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Not supported in multithreaded Web servers -
use extension=php_mapscript_48.dll in your php.ini

Then i included the line extension=php_mapscript_48.dll in the php.ini file
and even copied the php_mapscript_48.dll to system32 folder but then the
webserver doesnt start.

This is what i use in php script to load the dll

dl('php_mapscript_48.dll'); and i get the error here.

I know this is not really a mapserver question but was just trying my luck
out ..

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