HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Fri Jan 13 12:25:05 PST 2006

Hi Vito,

I'm not sure either what is going on in your case (although i'm not a 
developer).  The best i can offer is to test it for you, so if you make 
your test as streamlined as possible (create the smallest mapfile that 
you can to reproduce your problem, with the fewest amount of 
layers/classes/groups) i can try it for you.


Vito Meuli wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> bad news!
> Unfortunately Mapserver 4.4.2 has the problem as well!
> I'm using the Mapserver 4.6.1 CGI-BIN on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.
> I have compiled almost everything (well, it was a colleague of mine who did 
> it), from PostgreSQL/PostGIS to the graphic libraries.
> The only version I know to work is 4.2.3, but unfortunately it has another 
> bug...
> I'd like to try some other old versions, but the restyled website of Mapserver 
> hasn't the page of previous versions yet.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot.
> Cheers,
> Vito Meuli

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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