HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1

Vito Meuli vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT
Fri Jan 20 09:14:21 PST 2006

Hi Jeff!

I'd really appreciate your help!

I'm sending you an archive with the most streamlined mapfile I can write that 
still reproduce my problem, along with the shapefiles and other stuff it 
needs to work (the mailing list will not get the attached file).
The mapfile is almos 400 lines long, so I'll post it on the list only if 

It seems that even if I modify a single character in the mapfile, the problem 
goes away!

Even the IMAGEURL seems to trigger the problem!
If I let it be 
IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
then the problems goes away!

It seems to be somewhat random...

The map file is named and I use a 
strange couple of files as templates, one for the map, template.xml, and one 
for the HTML legend, legenda.html. They are needed for a J2EE application 
that encapsulates Mapserver.

Normally I test the problem executing directly mapserver from the browser with 
an address like:
and I should get from the template a long list of text and tiny images that 
will go in the legend, like:

 11377746807088   /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377746807088.png  
/sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377746807088.png   76496.163158   
2749173.047250 4470954.175000 2770761.952750 4487125.825000   800 600   
-1.000000   -1.000000    Piano di Fabbricazione Visibilita'   [if 
name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Strada di P.R.G. [metadata name=visibilita] 
[if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Centro Storico [metadata 
name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Edilizia esistente 
[metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Zona 
Semintensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  
Zona Direzionale [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] 
[/if]  Zona Estensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile 
value=SI] [/if]  Zona per Artigianato [metadata name=visibilita] [if 
name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Zona Industriale [metadata name=visibilita] 
[if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Zona Agricola [metadata name=visibilita]   
Edifici e costruzioni Visibilita'   [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  
Albero isolato [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  
Punti quotati a terra [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile 
value=SI] [/if]  Quota colmo tetto [metadata name=visibilita] [if 
name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Quota colmo tetto manufatto minore [metadata 
name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Quota gronda tetto 
[metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Quota gronda 
tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile 
value=SI] [/if]  Quota tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if 
name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Quota tetto piano [metadata name=visibilita] 
[if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Quota tetto piano manufatto minore 
[metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Quota tetto 
torrino [metadata name=visibilita]   Sistema mobilita' Visibilita'   [if 
name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Rete ferroviaria FSE [metadata 
name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Strade provinciali 
[metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Strade 
statali [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  
Strade comunali [metadata name=visibilita]   Elementi cartografici 
Visibilita'   [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]  Marciapiedi [metadata 

Instead, when there is the problem, I do not get the legend part, like the 
 11377736317029   /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377736317029.png  
/sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377736317029.png   76305.159315   
2749200.000000 4470964.375000 2770735.000000 4487115.625000   800 600   
-1.000000   -1.000000

and no error message.

I get the same problem with the CGI-BIN mapserver 4.6.1 and 4.4.2.
No problem with 4.2.3 and 4.2.5, that unfortunately have other bugs.

I compiled mapserver 4.6.1 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, and I compiled 
all these libraries and programs:

ecwsdk-3.1.25 (not compiled by me)

The configure command was like this:

./configure \
--with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config \
--with-zlib=/usr/local \
--with-png=/usr/local \
--with-jpeg=/usr/local \
--with-gd=/usr/local \
--with-proj=/usr/local \
--with-threads \
--with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config \
--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
--with-tiff=/usr/local \
--with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config \
--with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
--with-wfs \
--with-wcs \
--with-wmsclient \
--with-wfsclient \

I hope you can manage to discover the cause of this problem.

Thanks a lot!
Vito Meuli

Alle 21:25, venerdì 13 gennaio 2006, hai scritto:
> Hi Vito,
> I'm not sure either what is going on in your case (although i'm not a
> developer).  The best i can offer is to test it for you, so if you make
> your test as streamlined as possible (create the smallest mapfile that
> you can to reproduce your problem, with the fewest amount of
> layers/classes/groups) i can try it for you.
> jeff

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