HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1
Jeff McKenna
jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Mon Jan 23 09:07:35 PST 2006
To get your mapfile to work I had to add a symbol for all point classes,
such as:
COLOR 0 0 255
SYMBOL 'circle'
Plus you had them set to display with a white colour, so they would
never show up in the map or legend.
Vito Meuli wrote:
> Hi Jeff!
> I'd really appreciate your help!
> I'm sending you an archive with the most streamlined mapfile I can write that
> still reproduce my problem, along with the shapefiles and other stuff it
> needs to work (the mailing list will not get the attached file).
> The mapfile is almos 400 lines long, so I'll post it on the list only if
> needed.
> It seems that even if I modify a single character in the mapfile, the problem
> goes away!
> Even the IMAGEURL seems to trigger the problem!
> If I let it be
> IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
> then the problems goes away!
> It seems to be somewhat random...
> The map file is named and I use a
> strange couple of files as templates, one for the map, template.xml, and one
> for the HTML legend, legenda.html. They are needed for a J2EE application
> that encapsulates Mapserver.
> Normally I test the problem executing directly mapserver from the browser with
> an address like:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv-4.6.1?map=/varGIS/sanpancraziotest/
> and I should get from the template a long list of text and tiny images that
> will go in the legend, like:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 11377746807088 /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377746807088.png
> /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_ref11377746807088.png
> /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377746807088.png 76496.163158
> 2749173.047250 4470954.175000 2770761.952750 4487125.825000 800 600
> -1.000000 -1.000000 Piano di Fabbricazione Visibilita' [if
> name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strada di P.R.G. [metadata name=visibilita]
> [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Centro Storico [metadata
> name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Edilizia esistente
> [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona
> Semintensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]
> Zona Direzionale [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI]
> [/if] Zona Estensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile
> value=SI] [/if] Zona per Artigianato [metadata name=visibilita] [if
> name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Industriale [metadata name=visibilita]
> [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Agricola [metadata name=visibilita]
> Edifici e costruzioni Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]
> Albero isolato [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]
> Punti quotati a terra [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile
> value=SI] [/if] Quota colmo tetto [metadata name=visibilita] [if
> name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota colmo tetto manufatto minore [metadata
> name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota gronda tetto
> [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota gronda
> tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile
> value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if
> name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto piano [metadata name=visibilita]
> [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto piano manufatto minore
> [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto
> torrino [metadata name=visibilita] Sistema mobilita' Visibilita' [if
> name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Rete ferroviaria FSE [metadata
> name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade provinciali
> [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade
> statali [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if]
> Strade comunali [metadata name=visibilita] Elementi cartografici
> Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Marciapiedi [metadata
> name=visibilita]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Instead, when there is the problem, I do not get the legend part, like the
> following:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 11377736317029 /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377736317029.png
> /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_ref11377736317029.png
> /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377736317029.png 76305.159315
> 2749200.000000 4470964.375000 2770735.000000 4487115.625000 800 600
> -1.000000 -1.000000
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> and no error message.
> I get the same problem with the CGI-BIN mapserver 4.6.1 and 4.4.2.
> No problem with 4.2.3 and 4.2.5, that unfortunately have other bugs.
> I compiled mapserver 4.6.1 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, and I compiled
> all these libraries and programs:
> zlib-1.2.3
> proj-4.4.9
> libpng-1.2.8-config
> jpeg-6b
> tiff-3.7.4
> libgeotiff-1.2.2
> freetype-2.1.10
> gd-2.0.33
> geos-2.1.4
> postgresql-8.0.4
> postgis-1.0.4
> ecwsdk-3.1.25 (not compiled by me)
> gdal-1.3.1
> fcgi-2.4.0
> mod_fastcgi-2.4.2
> The configure command was like this:
> ./configure \
> --with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config \
> --with-zlib=/usr/local \
> --with-png=/usr/local \
> --with-jpeg=/usr/local \
> --with-gd=/usr/local \
> --with-proj=/usr/local \
> --with-threads \
> --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config \
> --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
> --with-tiff=/usr/local \
> --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config \
> --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
> --with-wfs \
> --with-wcs \
> --with-wmsclient \
> --with-wfsclient \
> --with-fastcgi=/usr/local
> I hope you can manage to discover the cause of this problem.
> Thanks a lot!
> Cheers,
> Vito Meuli
> Alle 21:25, venerdì 13 gennaio 2006, hai scritto:
>>Hi Vito,
>>I'm not sure either what is going on in your case (although i'm not a
>>developer). The best i can offer is to test it for you, so if you make
>>your test as streamlined as possible (create the smallest mapfile that
>>you can to reproduce your problem, with the fewest amount of
>>layers/classes/groups) i can try it for you.
Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.
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