New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows

krishna S kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jan 23 06:44:44 PST 2006

Hi maggie,
      If you are going to use ArcGis and mapserver then as far as i know
you might retrieve the data from the arcSDE database right (even i am a new
bie to GIS stuff). If you plan on using mapserver with arcSDE them ms4w
doesnt support arcSDE, you would have to build your own mapserver on a
windows/linux environment and all the required prerequisites. I had a
really pain full experience and a very hard time compiling mapserver on
windows 2000, but after all the efforts and all the support i got i was
able to compile mapserver with all the required prerequsites and was able
to display the map from the arcSDE database data. I made a documentation of
mapserver compile on windows, if you need it i can send it to you.


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