Mapbender & MapServer

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE
Tue Jan 24 13:02:25 EST 2006

Fabio D' Ovidio wrote:
> Does anyone tell me how to build MapBender with MapServer ?
> Software installation instructions are regarded only to how to build MapBender with 
> PostgreSQL or MySQL !
> How can I use MapBender to display WMS MapServer request ??
> Thank u 
> Fabio

Hi Fabio,
better post questions of this kind to the Mapbender list.

The only "connection" between MapServer and Mapbender is the OGC WMS 
capabilities document. You should have a rough idea about what an OGC 
WMS is prior to getting started. Read up on it in the Wiki/homepage:

Best, Arnulf.

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