e00 to something OGR can read

Lowell.Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Tue Jan 24 14:39:56 EST 2006

Jerl Simpson writes: 

> it's named .E00
> I tried the dos2unix and no change.
> These files are already unix text files. 
> On 1/24/06, Lowell.Filak <lfilak at medinaco.org> wrote:
>> Jerl Simpson writes: 
>> > I forgot to mention something important.
>> > I receive this error:
>> >
>> > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01"
>> >
>> > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so
>> > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson <jerl.simpso at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > Hello,
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something
>> OGR
>> >> can
>> >> > read.  Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care.
>> >> > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I
>> >> need.
>> >> > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different
>> authors.
>> >> >
>> >> > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix
>> environment.
>> >> >
>> >> > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know.  I've tried to do
>> this
>> >> > before but with little luck.
>> >>
>> >> Jerl,
>> >>
>> >> I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the
>> >> E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can
>> >> read.
>> >>
>> >>   http://avce00.maptools.org/ 
>> Jerl, 
>> Is the e00 file you're trying to use named ".e00" or is it ".e01' or
>> ".e02"?
>> Also, could it be a DOS text file and you're tring to import on Unix
>> without
>> first doing dos2unix on it?


I guess the question is - were did the e00 file come from? I believe the 
error refers to an annotation subclass from the original coverage which 
currently has a name of "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" in the e00 file. That 
name looks more like a coordinate of one of the annotation alignment points. 
If you open the e00 file in vi and search for either 'TX7' or 'TX6'. The 
very next line should be the "name" of the subclass. Maybe your subclass 
name is blank or maybe the e00 is corrupt.? 


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