MapScript not working?

Julian Parker julian at MAPSOLUTIONS.COM.AU
Tue Jan 24 18:54:29 PST 2006

Greetings listers!


I am a relative newbie to all ting MapServer and have a problem with
MapScript setup. The specific problem I am getting is that the
php_mapscript_44.dll (or _46 or _48) is not 'found' in my PHP extensions
directory. The path and everything is actually correct - it just wont
load/run. The exact error message is:


PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\ms4w\Apache\php\extensions\php_mapscript_44.dll' - The specified
module could not be found. in
C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\phpinfo_mapscript_44.php on line 2


I am running Win XP with IIS 5 and PHP 4.4.2 (and also tried  5.1.2)
Does anyone have any pointers as to what I can do to get MapScript alive
and kicking?


Thanks in Advance



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