How to edit attribute of a selected shape?
Xiaonan Zhang
xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 25 09:01:55 PST 2006
Dear all,
I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer
however I got a few problems here:
1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is
always only one point in that layer.
2. I can not regain the added point.
3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one attribue
called "Comment".
My code is:
//Create a new comment point
$ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj();
$ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY);
//printf("ClickGeoX %f<BR>\n",$nClickGeoX);
//printf("ClickGeoY %f<BR>\n",$nClickGeoY);
//Add it to the comments layer
$shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT);
$line = ms_newLineObj();
$shape ->add($line);
$poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer
//printf("Layer Name: %f<BR>\n", $poLayer->name);
$poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point
//Save the changes
$cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments";
$objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT );
//Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point
and then change it's comment attribut
//Task2.1:get the new added comment point
$poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2);
$numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults();
printf("Find point: %f<BR>\n", $numResults);
$oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0);
printf("tileindex: %f<BR>\n", $oRes->tileindex);
printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f<BR>\n",
$oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1)
print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values
$comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"];
printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f<BR>\n",$comment );
//display comment attribute
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