Change image resolution in mapfile

David Bitner osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 25 12:32:28 PST 2006

Resolution has no real meaning to Mapserver, the resolution setting in
the mapfile is used to determine when scale dependant layers are
turned on and off.  To create an image at 300dpi, you will want to
make your symbols about 3-4 times larger than you would normally use
for a web interface.  All you need to do to spit out the image is to
ask for how many pixels wide by how many pixels tall you want the
image, so if you want a 36"x24" poster, you will want to use  300*36 x
300*24  as your width and height.  From there it's just monkeying
around to get the symbols to come out the size you want.

On 1/25/06, krishna S <kris_rock82 at> wrote:
> Hello all,
>       I have to generate a 300 by 300 dpi wall map to print, I was
> wondering how can we generate the map using mapserver, i know that usually
> when the image is generated it gets saved in 72dpi. I am not displaying the
> map in thw browser but i just want to generate the map so that i can print
> it out.
>       I searched the archives about this but couldnt find how to generate
> it actually.
> Any suggestions please .....
> --kris

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