MapServer demo app

Puneet Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Thu Jan 26 12:12:41 PST 2006

Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
> Works for me, Puneet.  Could be network issues on your end.

I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying again, and I get 
download speeds of 1 or 2 Kb/sec and that quickly dies down to nothing. 
15 mins later I have 1% done. Everything else downloads real fast.

Anyway, good to know that it still lives on the web. Sooner or later I 
have will have it down.


> -Perry
> Puneet Kishor wrote:
>> I am trying to download the old Steve Lime's MapServer demo app (the 
>> old app, not old Steve Lime!). The link
>> seems to be doa. Is it temporarily down, or gone 404? Anyone? (Perry?)
>> Muchas gracias in advance.
>> .

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