MapServer demo app

Puneet Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Thu Jan 26 12:47:32 PST 2006

Lowell.Filak wrote:
> Try this link:


Two minutes later, it is all downloaded. Wisconsin and Ohio make love.

Meanwhile, in the other court, Wisconsin is still struggling to get 
answers from Minnesota. About 45 minutes later, with about 4% done, the 
outlook is cloudy with a chance of filibuster.

> Lowell
> Puneet Kishor writes:
>> Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
>>> Works for me, Puneet.  Could be network issues on your end.
>> I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying again, and I get 
>> download speeds of 1 or 2 Kb/sec and that quickly dies down to 
>> nothing. 15 mins later I have 1% done. Everything else downloads real 
>> fast.
>> Anyway, good to know that it still lives on the web. Sooner or later I 
>> have will have it down.
>> Thanks.
>>> -Perry
>>> Puneet Kishor wrote:
>>>> I am trying to download the old Steve Lime's MapServer demo app (the 
>>>> old app, not old Steve Lime!). The link
>>>> seems to be doa. Is it temporarily down, or gone 404? Anyone? (Perry?)
>>>> Muchas gracias in advance.
>>>> .

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