New mapping framework: Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST)

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at SHAW.CA
Thu Jan 26 15:48:39 EST 2006

Passing along this announcement about an open source project from the 
University of BC.  This is a MapServer/PHP framework with several advanced 
functions people are looking for.  It can optionally use PostGIS in the 
backend so your users can edit and save shapes and attributes - that's the 
most exciting part for me.  Note there is a mailing specifically for FIST 
discussions - see link at bottom.


The Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST) is now available for
download. FIST is an open source (GPL), PHP object based application
that is used to rapidly deploy internet mapping web sites. It provides a
code base with built-in functionality for common internet mapping tasks
as well as the ability to extend the mapping site with custom functions.
Currently it works exclusively with UMN MapServer, but the backend could
be extended to work with any map server.

Key features:
    - Built in tools including:
        - Standard zoom-pan
        - Multiple query and identify tools
        - Distance/area measurement
        - Map markup
        - PDF map making
        - PostGIS editing capability
    - Custom tools: connect buttons/tool icons to external scripts with ease.
    - Real-time coordinate display

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