PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library

Fischer, Brian bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM
Mon Jan 30 14:31:18 PST 2006

I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem.  I am running
Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll
MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from  I have installed
this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install
it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load
dynamic library 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified
module could not be found.  PHP is working fine and I can load another
module, like GD, but not mapscript.  


I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in
tml.  I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error.  My
guess is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I
need.  I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other.
Anyone have any insight?





Brian Fischer, GIS Specialist/Programmer
Houston Engineering, Inc. | Leave Nothing to ChanceTM
10900 73rd AVE N, Suite 106
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Phone:  763.493.4522 / Fax:  763.493.5572
Email:  bfischer at
<mailto:bfischer at> 


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