mapscript setfilter question

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 31 02:21:22 PST 2006

You need to define a class for each of the filters with its own style.


On 1/30/06, krishna S <kris_rock82 at> wrote:
> Hello all,
>       I want to display sections with some filteritem set, the outline of
> those sections need to be thickened, i got this part working but i even
> want to display the outline border of the other sections with just the
> normal thickness. Here is the snippet of my code
> $layername1->setFilter("section=159");
> $image=$map->draw();
> $image_url=$image->saveWebImage();
> I set the width of the borderline in the mapfile as i couldnt find the
> style attribute for width in mapscript. I am not sure how to display the
> other sections other than 159 with no labels on them but just the boundary
> line.
> Thanks for your time ....
> --kris

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