disable png interlacing?

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Tue Jan 31 12:00:17 EST 2006


At 10:29 AM 1/31/2006, Sears, Jeremy wrote:
>Hi All,
>Im wondering if its possible, and if so how to disable interlacing on
>Mapserver's generation of png images? Also If it is possible to produce
>non-interlaced png imagery, can anyone say if it would affect mapserver's
>Many Thanks
>-----Original Message-----
>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
>Behalf Of Jeff McKenna
>Sent: January 31, 2006 11:03 AM
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHP MapScript and unable to load
>dynamic library
>A trick i also use to find which associated dll is missing is to try to
>do a 'mapserv -v' at the command prompt, for your 4.8 exe.  If a dll
>cannot be found a Windows error message should be displayed (such as
>"procedure entry point...cannot be found in gdal13.dll" or something
>like that).
>Fischer, Brian wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem.  I am running
> > Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll
> > MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from maptools.org.  I have installed
> > this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install
> > it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load
> > dynamic library 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified
> > module could not be found.  PHP is working fine and I can load another
> > module, like GD, but not mapscript.
> >
> >
> >
> > I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in
> >
> >  I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error.  My guess
> > is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I need.
> > I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other.  Anyone
> > have any insight?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Brian
> >
>Jeff McKenna
>DM Solutions Group Inc.

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