Problem plotting Age column on a dbf database

Willian Rampazzo willianrp at RC.UNESP.BR
Mon Jul 3 16:54:38 PDT 2006

Hello everyone,

  I've sent this mail to maplab group but got no answer, let me see you 
someone here can help me.

  I'm implementing a new project and i'm having some problems plotting 
an Age column from a dbf
database like a label.
  First problem is: The column have a lot of zeros values and these 
values don't need to be plotted. Is
there a way to specify it at the map file ?
  Second problem is: When i plot the values, it is ploted on scientific 
notation. Is there a way to specify
it to plot values like %3.2f notation ?

Thanks in advance,

Willian Rampazzo
Laboratório de GeoModelagem 3D
UNESP - Rio Claro

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