Limit Number of Results with QSTRING?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Jul 3 22:32:24 PDT 2006

Strange as it sounds there is no way to limit the number of features returned (unless
you are using straight mode=query). I guess I always figured why would you want
to do that. It's not like a Google search where results are sorted by relevance, so
stopping at some limit didn't make much sense. Sorry (please file a bug and I'll try
to address the problem). I do believe the WFS server does have that ability if you 
really need it right away.

There is no reason [nr] should max out at 148. Perhaps you've uncovered a bug?
Or something else is going on.


>>> "Sievers, Jason" <jsievers at CO.LINN.OR.US> 07/03/06 6:01 PM >>>
I would like to know if it is possible to limit the number of results using
QSTRING in CGI MapServer.  I can use MAXFEATURES when doing a spatial
search, but this does not seem to work for attribute queries (at least for
me).  This is a problem when there is a large results set and MapServer has
to draw every feature matching the expression.  I've noticed that the
maximum number of records ([nr]) is 148 but this still will draw on the map
every feature matching the QSTRING expression.  Thanks for the help.
Jason Sievers
Linn County, Oregon

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