Error in displaying raster in tileindex shape

Travis Kirstine GIS Tech tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM
Thu Jun 1 07:43:24 PDT 2006

If the tileindex was successfully created using the gdaltindex command I
would check to see if the location field in the tileindex dbf contains the
correct path to the rasters.  If the path is incorrect use the path when
running the gdaltindex command:
gdaltindex index.shp /path/to/raster/files/*.tif

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
Behalf Of Gambin Dejan
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:11 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Error in displaying raster in tileindex


I have created tileindex shapefile with my rasters using gdaltindex.
When trying to show the raster layer I get the following errors in my
php error log:

[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap():
Failed to draw layer named 'katastar_index'.
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]:
msRASTERLayerOpen(): Attempt to open a RASTER layer, but this is only
supported after a raster query.
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap():
Failed to draw layer named 'katastar_index'.
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]:
msRASTERLayerOpen(): Attempt to open a RASTER layer, but this is only
supported after a raster query.
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msDrawMap():
Failed to draw layer named 'katastar_index'.
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]:
msRASTERLayerOpen(): Attempt to open a RASTER layer, but this is only
supported after a raster query.
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msDrawRaster():
 in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 311
[01-Jun-2006 16:11:12] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function on a
non-object in /var/www/pmapper1/incphp/map.php on line 332

I couldn't find any info on this error. Any help?

thanks very much


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