June 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jun 1 01:11:08 PDT 2006
Ending: Fri Jun 30 17:14:42 PDT 2006
Messages: 634
Dmitri Mizerkin
- ratser map based on CGI
Zhonghai Wang
- Help needed in ImageMap
- mapserver and selinux
Micha Silver
- gdaltindex problem
Gail Millin
- Problems with querybypoint and shapelib
Frederico Lucca
- Restricting map draws WMS
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- Problem with wfs_filter
Yewondwossen Assefa
- queryByAttributes and postgis
- Error in displaying raster in tileindex shape
Gambin Dejan
- point query for multiple layers
Brent Pedersen
- Upgrading Mapserver
Lawrence Hartpence
- dBox / dLegend
Chip Hankley
- Mapfile / Layer / Group / Name confusion
Chip Hankley
- OGR DODS multiple attribute layer
Jesse Cleary
- point query for multiple layers {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Template problems
Sievers, Jason
- Error in displaying raster in tileindex shape SOLVED
Gambin Dejan
- Query Question
Thomas Hammerlund
- Not using MapServer, but it's worth to take a look: http://science.nasa.gov/Realtime/JTrack/3d/JTrack3D.html. :-) EOM
Marcos Cobeña
- PHP/MapScript or CSharp/MapScript?
Zhonghai Wang
- ogr 1.3.2 -> mysql
robert fritz
- Using different shapefiles for different zoom levels
Trond Michelsen
- SDE Compilation Help
Fawcett, David
- "Elshayal Smart GIS shape files Editor" Looking for a Serious Evaluation http://www.smartwebonline.com/
Mohamed Elshayal
- How to make MS4W to support epsg:3067?
Rahkonen Jukka
- SRS setting for a non-EPSG coordinate system.
Bob Basques
- mapscript projection & WMS questions
Brent Wood
- Mapscript module error with PHP 5.1
Armin Burger
- Shape File modification
muthu veerappan
- Apps timing out
Roland Martin
- WFS gurus . . . .
Bob Basques
- [Fwd: Re: WFS gurus . . . .]
Bob Basques
- Deploy problem mapscript C#
Diego Riofrio
- error en simbols.........
Eduardo Arévalo
- MapServer from FWTools and JPEG 2000 drivers
Frank Warmerdam
- help needed about using HTML in chameleon application
lpzhao at netzero.net
- MapServer Load Testing
Randy How
- Few queries
Narayani Barve
- PHP as CGI not working / Premature end of script headers
Volkan Ulukut
- Java mapscript and imagemaps
Andre Sachs
- shp2mysql error
John Prof
- raster image preprocessing problem.
Zhonghai Wang
- performance slows down when compiled with gdal
H. Porath
- index files
Kevin Flanders
- OGR doesn't work after compiling mapserver!?
Christian Wilmes
- need help with WMS layer
Kenton Williams
- php_Mapscript - display new layer
Julien Bessiere
- GDAL, Mapserver and PostGIS
Angus Dickey
- problem with ogr oracle spatial layer
Mark Adams
- HTML Legend Template File
Sievers, Jason
- MapServer Loggile in IIS.
Zhonghai Wang
- MySQL/PostGreSQL like MS4W - extract and run
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- fontset tag kills map
Robert Burgholzer
- using WKT [text] in the feature object
Luis Treviño Huerta
- get information from OGC WMS VIEWER
- ogr connecting to .tab files
Donal Regan
- How to link imagemap file with feature data?
- FW: map mode gives error 500
Janeks Kamerovskis
- Premature end of script-Segmentation Fault
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- c#-mapscript, display Image without saving on disk and zoom
Christian Wilmes
- Ok, this might sound weird, but (different MAXSCALEs)
Bob Basques
- raster symbols.
Bob Basques
- Mapserver and Oracle
Daniel Goetz
- Problem with the mailinglist
Christian Wilmes
- oracle spatial
Daniel Goetz
- MapServer Test Demo and next Step.
Zhonghai Wang
- Mapserver returns blank pages
antti siukola
- About the performance of MapServer and Ka-Map
buffery buffery
- OGR MySQL connection problem
antti siukola
- GetFeatureInfo with more than one layer
Laura Díaz
- Final registration for FOSS4G is now open
Claude Philipona
- FOSS4G2006 - Registration and Accommodation
Steve Lime
- Open source geospatial events calendar
Puneet Kishor
- How to get attribute's value in Querywidget?
lpzhao at netzero.net
- draw a line with arrows indicating direction of tavel...
John Cole
- server error
Matthew Kane
- shapelib
Andrew Timmins
- download of nightly builds
Stepan Kafka
- How to Lat, long info in the browser?
raffle peter
- poor rendering quality on labels
Francesco Sozzi
- Zooming to shapes found by queryByAttributes
Volkan Ulukut
- Query by point
- WFS contact info
McGraw, Joanne
- mapserver initialization delays
Scott Melby
- Data causing premature end of script?
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- JavaMapscript SIGSEGV
Rodriguez, Heraldo
- code optimization
Julien Bessiere
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] oracle spatial
Wim Blanken
- Using Mapserver on VPS with cPanel?
Michael Slater
- Anti Alias Problem
Thomas Hammerlund
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Xavier Mauclaire
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story
Tamas Szekeres
- MyGis connection question
John Prof
- compile MapServer to support Oracle Spatial
Zhonghai Wang
- css in template file
Micha Silver
- c#-mapscript, zooming problem on Landsat-Layer
Christian Wilmes
- mapserver vs. google maps - any comparisons done?
Sims, Benjamin
- Label question
Randy James
- WebSite documentation language glitch
Laurent Jégou
- Character set encoding problem
Øyvind Eide
- raster to geotiff
Vincent J. Troisi
- Pb installation PHPMapScript
- Compile MapSevrer with VS2005 (MapServer BuiltKit source code)
Zhonghai Wang
- Degrees to meters
Kevin martins
- Class Labels
Tim Badtke
- Geoar 0.1.0
José Macchi
- sync with server
Kevin Flanders
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WebSite documentation language glitch
Janeks Kamerovskis
- MapServer returns cached images as new
antti siukola
- WMS Capabilities: LatLonBoundingBox
Arnaud Diederen
- re-using raster CLASS definitions
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
- getting error when Compiling Mapserver 4.8.3 for windows
Xavier Mauclaire
- Is it a bug? Point attribute for Imagemap is not displaying
- No subject
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] oracle spatial
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- MapServer 4.x; GetFeatureInfo's SRS vs CRS
Arnaud Diederen
- sobre conecction and conecctiontype......WMS
Eduardo Arévalo
- Query templates
- script for dealing with temporary files
Bruce Raup
- WHY????????? MEEEEEEEE???????????????????????
Becky Poole
- U.S. Army SBIR Solicitation
Dave Nuttall
- mapserver mapscript vs mapserver cgi projection problem
Brent Wood
- Buffering?
- [UMN_MAPSERVER-DEV] SWIG mapscript critical problems!!!
Benedikt Rothe
- FW: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver mapscript vs mapserver cgi projection problem
Becky Poole
- Finding centroids from shapefiles (php/mapscript)
Ben Madin
- problem in Mapserver installation
Narayani Barve
- WCS interpolation parameter
José Vicente Higon
- MapServer with Magellan.
Zhonghai Wang
- Logging and WMS requests
Andrew Larcombe
- scalebar-problem with csharp-mapscript
Christian Wilmes
- How can I label a Point using different postgis table
Luis Treviño Huerta
- Selecting all layer features with mapscript
Xavier Mauclaire
- looking for eastern europe rail road file
K Kuo
- gdal question on no data.
Paul Moen
- MapServer Users in France
Mathieu Coudert
- installing hostgis
Sven Schulz
- cannot make mapserver
Sarah Parrott
- query SQLServer data and display on web page
Bryan Keith
- SDE connection error
Dave McCann
- What's the catch with ROSA on Windows client PCs
Joaquim Pinto da Costa
- shp2tile
Travis Kirstine GIS Tech
- WMS Spatio temporal search
Denis Nadeau
- WMS question
rock well
- STYLEITEM with MySQL possible?
Volkan Ulukut
- Problem: MS4W1.5.3 with Oracle 9i
Zhonghai Wang
- undefined symbol: _zval_dtor
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- dl(): Unable to load dynamic library
ramesh karra
- Layer priority
Mark Presling
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] dl(): Unable to load dyna mic library
Antti Roppola
- Comments in generated JPEGs
Stephen Davies
- WMS and SRS issue: "Invalid SRS given : SRS must be valid for all requested layers."
Marcos Cobeña
- c#-mapscript: Problem first time calling Map.draw(), numLayers gets one bigger
Christian Wilmes
- begin with C# MapScript
Zhonghai Wang
- standard mapping styles
James Tuthill
- Having trouble with running a demo
Jie Tian
- msWMSLoadGetParams
Alexander Rodríguez Torres
- S57
Mariette Hachey
- S57
Tyler Mitchell
- S57
Mariette Hachey
- S57
Frank Warmerdam
- query raster layer
Giorgio Libertà
- C# MapScript - Extent of mapObj not set after object creation
- RT90 in input data and WGS84 in output
Tommy Persson
- getInteger(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near (+):(line 37)
Luis Treviño Huerta
- Mapserver <-> SDE Joins
Adam Quiney
- ERROR: column 'oid' does not exist
Nigel Gilbert
- php_dbase.so
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- dBox dLegend raster/vector images
Richard Greenwood
- No query layer defined
absar ali
- templete problem
absar ali
- NQUERY problem
- Mapscript ,Mono, Apache and Linux : a great story (heap corruption with geos)
Tamas Szekeres
- Deleting from a shapefile
Antonio Iandolo
- Thread-safety in mapscript_csharp.dll?
Jeff Dege
- WMS Layer Problem
M.L. Jackson
- how to build a geofence app.
Luis Treviño Huerta
- Mapscript C# compilation
rock well
salah jubeh
- Class expression and PostGIS
Nigel Gilbert
- Raster tile and tilesize
Sture Dingsøyr
- mapserv CGI Problems
- Blank Template
absar ali
- Query Prints Blank Template
absar ali
- NQUERY mode again
- csharp-mapscript: transform scale
Christian Wilmes
- Oracle Spatial Filter problem
Zhonghai Wang
- Mapscript c# problems and apache2 scratches
Xavier Mauclaire
- Fwd: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Thread-safety in mapscript_csharp.dll?
Tamas Szekeres
- Nexrad Base Reflectivity WMS-Time (Rasters with a PostGIS Tileindex)
David William Bitner
- shaoe to mysql connect
Till Adams
- wfs query template...please help
Carola Jesch
- Mapserver/GD JPEGs
Stephen Davies
- Receive Rejected posting to MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU
- C# MapScript: change the point value of the inline feature.
Zhonghai Wang
Daniel Goetz
- shape mysql connect problem
Till Adams
- WMS-WFS chaining (bug?)
Barend Köbben
- current dbox example application
Dylan Beaudette
- Mapserver <-> ArcSDE
Adam Quiney
- Fwd: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] current dbox example application
Ken Boss
- mouse click with jBox
Luis Treviño Huerta
- Raster image issue
- CLASSITEM and EXPRESSION for a float field
Luca Manganelli
- In which C file/function ?
- On drawing polygons and WMS
Marcos Cobeña
- Odd Label problem with mapfile
Kenton Williams
- Oracle Spatial query problem
Mark Adams
- WMS and SRS issue
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- ogr-grass
Paolo Cavallini
- POSGIS timefilter date_trunc bug
Denis Nadeau
- Invisible WMS layer??? Help please.
M.L. Jackson
- map server question?
Albert Anderson
- [GRASS-user] ogr-grass
Stephan Holl
- tile index on shpafile
- Perl Mapscript Warnings
Agneta Schick
- Test Suite
Daniel Goetz
- load Map error
Albert Anderson
- Mapserv.exe FastCGI support for IIS 6
Dave McCann
- loadMap():
Albert Anderson
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] msLoadMap(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (255):(line 4)
Fawcett, David
- MapServer 4.8.3 and ArcSDE 8.3
Mike Saunt
- Projection problems - Mixing maps with different geoids
Trond Michelsen
- Asynchrone clients?
Eduard Witteveen
- mapscript + inline features
listuser HH
- Introducing OpenLayers v1.0
Christopher Schmidt
- PERL interface trouble
Joseph Bussell
- Map Requests from WMS
M.L. Jackson
- Mapserver 4.8.3 error
rock well
- Mapserver binaries for Oracle10g
Antonio Iandolo
- R: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver binaries for Oracle10g
Antonio Iandolo
- Asynchrone clients? (continues vectordata retrieval / use gdal directly?)
Eduard Witteveen
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map Requests from WMS
M.L. Jackson
- Cascading WMS - WFS
Fabio D'Ovidio
- add spatial filter (WFS)
Fabio D'Ovidio
- not seeing my map
Albert Anderson
- How do you get or use fontsets
Albert Anderson
- how do you create fonts?
Albert Anderson
- Coordinate Systems
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- Newbie projection question.
John Preston
- Image tilling
Ryan Ollerenshaw
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 17:14:42 PDT 2006
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:43 PDT 2024
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).