fontset tag kills map

Robert Burgholzer rburghol at CHESAPEAKEBAY.NET
Wed Jun 7 08:52:40 PDT 2006

I am trying to use labels in mapserver 4.8.3 but even defining a FONTSET
tag in my map file kills the initialization of the map in php_mapscript.
I can have a label layer, as long as it is OFF, but the minute that I
put a FONTSET tag in my map file, or turn the layer ON, it dies without
error. Fonts are in the directory in question and have permission 744.
Any ideas as to what may be the trouble?


PHP is compiled with freetype support, as is mapserver:


Below is the message configure gives:

configure: checking where FreeType 2.x is installed...

        using libfreetype from -L/usr/lib64 -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib64
-lfreetype -lz

checking for FT_Init_FreeType in -lfreetype... yes

        using libfreetype -lfreetype from system libs.




Robert W. Burgholzer

Nonpoint Source Data Analyst

University of Maryland, College Park

Chesapeake Bay Program Office

410 Severn Avenue, Suite 305B

Annapolis, MD, 21403

Phone: (410) 267-5779

rburghol at


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