Query by point

DjwStone D.Stone at ED.AC.UK
Mon Jun 12 06:51:06 PDT 2006

Apologies if this is a repeat post -- I've been away for a bit.

A strange thing is happening when I do (CGI) query-by-point, clicking on a
point of the following layer. If I select 'Andrew' (say) as the 'stname' on
the map template, I see a map with the correct dots for 15th century church
dedications to Andrew. But if I then set the mode to 'query' or 'nquery' and
click on a dot, the 'result.html' template appears with attribute values for
records which only meet the location and date criteria (deddlo, deddhi) and
not the stname or dedicationtype criteria, e.g it might be an altar
dedication to Barbara.

I've tried removing the complicated date criteria from the DATA status, and
then the query-by-point seems to work OK. Needless to say, however, this is
not an acceptable solution!

Can anyone suggest what is going wrong? It will be a real show-stopper if I
can't circumvent this.



  LAYER # query layer using the saintloc PostgreSQL view
    NAME          saint_chdedlocs_C15
    CONNECTION    "user=erdb13 dbname=stdraft"
    DATA          "geom from (select dr, geom, stdname, reftostconf,
saintid, locationref, deddlo, deddhi, dedicationtype, stdesc, oid from
saintloc where ((deddlo >= 14010101) AND (deddlo <= 15001231)) OR ((deddhi
>= 14010101) AND (deddhi <= 15001231)) AND dedicationtype = 'Church
dedication') as foo using srid=27700"
    STATUS        OFF
    DEBUG         ON
    TYPE          POINT
    FILTERITEM    stdname
    FILTER        "stdname='%stname%'"
    TOLERANCE     25
    HEADER        "result_hdr.html"
    FOOTER        "result_ftr.html"
      NAME        "Church dedications - 15C"
      MINSCALE    2000000
      TEMPLATE    "result.html"
      DEBUG       ON
        SYMBOL      "square"
        SIZE        5
        COLOR       51 255 255
        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
  END # test query layer

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Query-by-point-t1774168.html#a4829017
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