Test Suite
Daniel Goetz
madprof at GMX.CH
Thu Jun 29 23:22:31 PDT 2006
Hi again,
thank you David for your explanation and your help.
But perhaps there is anyone out there that could check whether there is a mistake in the documentation/exemplification (mapfile and "URL query template"-Link) of the "Simple Point Query (mode=query), with pan/zoom" example of the "Mapserver Test Suite" like decribed in my email before. If there isn't any mistake in the example I would need somebody who could give me some advise how to manage to presever selected features selected (highlighted) even if I do some further zooming and pannig after the selection-procedure.
Many thanks for your further help.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 08:21:03 -0500
Von: "Fawcett, David" <David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US>
Betreff: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Test Suite
> Daniel,
> To answer your first two questions, status on makes the layers available,
> but does not display them. With status on, you still need to explicitly
> add the layer names to your URL or form request. If you set the layers to
> status default, they will always display.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Daniel Goetz
> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:33 AM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Test Suite
> Hi,
> I am trying to learn from the examples given on the "Mapserver Test Suite"
> site.
> http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/mapserver_demos/tests46/
> But I have some problems with it. The first is that mapserver sends back
> an empty (white) image when I give the following command in my browser (I
> have the ms4w_Vers 1.5.3 package installed):
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apache/htdocs/oracle/lmaa.map&program=/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe/htmlroot=/oracle/maqp_web_imagepath=/ms4w/apache/htdocs/tmp/&map_web_imageurl=/tmp/
> This command should be the exact copy of the command given in the example
> "Simple Point Query (mode=query), with pan/zoom" when starting the example
> from the "test suite start page". I have just adjusted the parameters to my
> environmet. the original command copied from the example is:
> http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/mapserv46?map=/usr/local/www/docs_maps/mapserver_demos/tests46/query_persistent/test.map&program=/cgi-bin/mapserv46&htmlroot=/mapserver_demos/tests46&map_web_imagepath=/usr/local/www/docs_maps/tmp/&map_web_imageurl=/tmp/
> Not until I add "&layers=all&" I get the desired map. What went wrong? Why
> do I need to add the "layers=all" phrase and in the example it is not
> necessary? The STATUS in my MAP-Object and in the LAYER-objects is "ON".
> Secondy, I only get the "pan and zoom" template work, when I add the
> following to the "form" tag in the html code:
> <input type="hidden" name="layers" value="all">
> It is the same thing that I have just described. I need to have the
> "layer=all" statement in the commandline. But why do I have to and in the example
> it's not necessary?
> Thirdly, what exactly is my "htmlroot" directory? Is it the "htdocs"
> within the "apache" directory? Or is it the directory where my .map-file is
> stored? Or any other? Does anybody have an idea?
> Fourthly, in the .map-file of the "Simple Point Query (mode=query), with
> pan/zoom" example the STYLE value in the QUERYMAP-object is "select". In my
> opinion it must be "hilite" to get the result shown in the map. Am I right?
> Might it be, that the link "map file" points to a .map-file that doesn't
> belong to the "Simple Point Query (mode=query), with pan/zoom" example?
> Moreover the TEMPLATE paramters in the LAYER-objects of that .map-file
> point to a template called "quad.html". But the link "URL query template" that
> is provided on the "starting page" of the "Simple Point Query
> (mode=query), with pan/zoom" example points to a file called "selected.html". Is this a
> mistake? Can anybody please enlighten me?
> The next thing I have noticed is that the link "URL query template" could
> not be opened. I get a error notice (ERROR 404): file not found on this
> server. What went wrong? I would urgently need this source code because
> otherwise I can not understand how to preseve a selected feature (colored) even
> if I do some further zomming and panning. Can anybody help me? Perhaps
> somebody could explain me how I can preserve a selected feature colored? Thank
> you so much.
> Last thing is, that the source code of the linked "template file" differs
> from the source code of the "real" template. Namely the following tag is
> missing in the linkes "template file" source code:
> <input type="hidden" name="county" value="[county]">
> Moreover I do not understand what this line stands for. What means
> "[county]" and why and how can mapserver interpret this expression. Where does the
> required information come from?
> O.K. that should be enough for the moment. Perhaps this were too much
> questions but if I can not answer these question I am not able to rebuild the
> "Simple Point Query (mode=query), with pan/zoom" example. And I want to be
> able to perserve selected (colored) features even if I do some zomming and
> panning.
> I want to thank you for your time, your ideas, your help, endeavors and
> your indulgence. Many thanks.
> regards
> Daniel
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