Nexrad Base Reflectivity WMS-Time (Rasters with a PostGIS Tileindex)

Daryl Herzmann akrherz at IASTATE.EDU
Mon Jun 26 10:24:17 PDT 2006

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, David William Bitner wrote:

> Daryl Herzman has added time support to the Nexrad Base Reflectivity WMS
> service out of Iowa State University.
> GetCapabilities:
> GetMap With Time Parameter Example:
> Snippet From Mapfile Added to WMS-T Docs to show PostGIS TileIndex setup:

Greetings all.  You can drop the '-t' from the URLs above.  The above URLs 
are the testing ones and I have moved the WMS-T layers into the main 
NEXRAD WMS service.  My fault for the confusion.

Big thanks goes to FrankW for fixing CVS to get the time filtering from a 
postgis tileindex working corectly!!

  * Daryl Herzmann, RHCE
  * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

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