Mapserver/GD JPEGs

Stephen Davies sdc at SDC.COM.AU
Mon Jun 26 23:35:40 PDT 2006

Last week I posted a request regarding comments in JPEGs and their 
apparent effect on Motorola 3G telephones.

Since then I have found that a) the issue seems to affect all WAP phones 
and b) it is not just comments that cause the problem.

It seems that these devices can only handle very simple images and those 
generated by Mapserver/GD fall outside their capabilities.

I have found that, as well as removing the comments from my map images, 
I have to go further.

My current work-around is to use a PERL script to generate the map image 
to disk and then use the mogrify utility from Image Magik to "clean" 
it. The mogrify command is simply:

mogrify -quality 100 image.jpg

but whatever this does to the image is enough to make it displayable on 
a telephone when sent as an img src=.

If anybody knows more about what is happening here and/or what the 
underlying problem is, I would love to hear it.

Stephen Davies
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