[Fwd: Re: WFS gurus . . . .]

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Mon Jun 5 08:22:25 PDT 2006

Bob Basques wrote:
> Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
I suppose I should add that we're trying to use a Minnesota County 
(Ramsey) Coordinate system for the WFS output.


>> Good question.
>> What's your actual projection definition?
> I believe this works (been a while though since I've tested it):
>       "proj=lcc"
>       "lat_1=44.88333333333333"
>       "lat_2=45.13333333333333"
>       "lat_0=44.79111111111111"
>       "lon_0=-93.38333333333334"
>       "x_0=152400.3048"
>       "y_0=30480.06096"
>       "a=6378418.941"
>       "b=6357033.31"
>       "to_meter=0.3048006096012192"
>       "no_defs"
>     END
> I have a list from someone in one of the State of Mn Dept's. that show 
> some codes for other Counties, but I think that's someone elses version 
> of an arbitrary list as well.  I believe the TO_METER value above is 
> supposed to convert to Feet as well.
> bobb
>> CubeWerx (http://www.cubewerx.com/) holds the 42xxx projection
>> definitions.  We've worked with them to establish codes which are not
>> natively in EPSG.  I've cc'd Craig here for info.
>> ..Tom
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: UMN MapServer Users List=20
>>> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bob Basques
>>> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 10:38 AM
>>> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] [Fwd: Re: WFS gurus . . . .]
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> Ok, we'll try that.
>>> =20
>>> Any rule-of-thumb for assigning an arbitrary code?
>>> =20
>>> bobb
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: 	Re: WFS gurus . . . .
>>> Date: 	Mon, 5 Jun 2006 10:32:23 -0400
>>> From: 	Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] <Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA>
>>> Reply-To: 	Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] <Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA>
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>>> =3D20
>>>> I'm trying to get a WFS output in a local coordinate system. =3D20 =20
>>>> Everything=3D20  works just fine with a EPSG code, but our coordinate =
>>>> system is not in=3D20  the list.  Do we need to add it in in more =
>> than=20
>>>> one location?  We're=3D20  using a few extensions that all=20
>>> seem to have=20
>>>> their own=3D20  version of a EPSG=3D20
>>>> code list, different formats and everything.
>>> =20
>>> What's your projection parameters?  If it's indeed not an=20
>>> EPSG code, you'll need to add this to your proj install's=20
>>> epsg file, then cite that EPSG code in your WFS request. =3D20
>>>> All I need is to be able to get the WFS output with a same=20
>>>> coordinate=3D20 system BBOX.  Can I get around the EPSG=20
>>> requirement with=20
>>>> some form of=3D20 fakery?  Can the GML be output with a=20
>>> MODE=3D3D option=20
>>>> perhaps, in it's=3D20 native coordinate system?
>>> =20

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