Coordinate Systems
Ryan Ollerenshaw
ollerery at ENGR.ORST.EDU
Fri Jun 30 09:05:01 PDT 2006
I keep on seeing lat/long values represented as large integer number and I am
unsure how this conversion is made. For example 356800E, 5767999N I assume
maps to a specific lat/long location but how do I determine exactly where.
My problem is that I need to create world files for several aerial photos that
have lat/long values in the title but I am not sure how to georeference these
images using MapServer.
Example file name: thm_dir_N00_000.png, them_dir_N00_030.png
I believe that I can use gdal_translate to georeference these images would the
correct format be:
gdal_translate -a_ullr 180 0 210 -30 thm_dir_N-30_180.png thm_dir_N-30_180.tiff
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