current dbox example application

Adam Quiney aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET
Tue Jun 27 11:25:57 PDT 2006

Hi All,

Our group is trying to get a windows XP installation of MS4W to play 
nice with an ArcSDE instance running against an SQL Server (running on 
Windows XP as well, but a different machine) back-end.  We noticed that 
we were segmentation faults drawing out pretty simple layers from the 
SDE instance, so as an experiment we pulled the layers out into 
shapefiles and accessed those instead - most of our problems disappeared.

However, we have at least two layers for which pulling them out into 
shapefiles is not an option.  These layers are still causing problems by 
generating unpredictable segmentation faults.  The layers are live data 
and undergo a fairly thorough QA/QC process, so I don't believe the 
problem lies in the data.

Are there any known issues between mapserver 4.8.3 (that which is 
packaged with MS4W) and ArcSDE 9.1, or does anyone have any idea what 
might be causing this?



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