MapServer 4.x; GetFeatureInfo's SRS vs CRS

Arnaud Diederen ad at IONICSOFT.COM
Fri Jun 16 07:53:49 PDT 2006


When I issue a GetCapabilities on my installation of mapserver, using 
the following URL:


I get a capabilities document showing:

<WMT_MS_Capabilities version="1.1.1">

So, the service expects requests of version 1.1.1 of the WMS spec, but 
when I issue a GetFeatureInfo with this URL:


I get the following error:

<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
  <ServiceException code="InvalidSRS">
    msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid SRS given : SRS 
must be valid for all requested layers.

hmm. But then, if I change the SRS parameter name to CRS, I get a valid 
(though empty) result:


The weird thing is that in the version 1.1.1 of the spec, there is no 
CRS parameter for the GetFeatureInfo, but an SRS parameter. SRS was 
changed to CRS at version 1.3.
It looks to me like a bug, am I wrong?

Best regards,


Last Minute Addendum: When I try with the equivalent (projected) native 
logical bbox, in the native SRS (EPSG:26915, this is the Itasca demo!) 
mapserver doesn't mind the name of the SRS param. Both SRS and CRS work. 
Now, I'm totally lost o_O
Will mapserver refuse to work properly if asked for features with a 4326 

Thanks for any information!

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