Deploy problem mapscript C#

Marcos Cobeña marcoscobena at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 5 08:46:21 PDT 2006

Hi Diego,

I think it's worth to mention this tool: Filemon
(, which will tell
you which files are trying to be loaded when MS executes.

Hope this helps, good luck.


2006/6/5, Diego Riofrio <diego.riofrio at>:
> Tamas,
> A month ago we talked about the compilation of mapscript for c# and the
> manifests of the dlls. Those dlls work very well in development with Visual
> Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2003 installed in the same computer.
> But now, I'm deploying the application in another computer with Windows 2003
> server without any Visual Studio instalation, and my application throws an
> error of mapscriptPINVOKE, the same error "Unable to load dll '
> mapscript.dll'"; do yo remember that in another mail I told you that in a
> computer with Vsual 2005 but without Visual 2003 it threw the same error?
> So, while in deployment it does too. What do you think that I need to do? Do
> you think there is a packet or SDK of Visual Studio 2003 that I need to
> install?
> Thanks for your help.
> Diego.

Marcos -

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