c#-mapscript, zooming problem on Landsat-Layer
Christian Wilmes
C.Wilmes at GMX.DE
Tue Jun 13 03:29:34 PDT 2006
Hi all,
I try to use I Layer from the Landsat-WMS in my c#-Application. The first time I get the Layer everything works fine but after zooming or just refreshing the map I get the following error:
msBuildWMSLayerURLBase(): WMS connection error. One of wms_onlineresource, wms_server_version, wms_name metadata is missing in layer Landsat. Please either provide a valid CONNECTION URL, or provide those values in the layer's metadata.
Trying it with other layers everything is ok.
The part of the code where I add the Layer:
layerObj landsat = new layerObj(myMap);
landsat.name = "Landsat";
landsat.status = mapscript.MS_OFF;
landsat.connectiontype = MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.MS_WMS;
landsat.connection = "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?";
hashTableObj metaLandsat = new hashTableObj();
metaLandsat.set("wms_name", "global_mosaic");
metaLandsat.set("wms_server_version", "1.1.0");
metaLandsat.set("wms_onlineresource", "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?");
metaLandsat.set("wms_srs", "EPSG:4326");
metaLandsat.set("wms_format", "image/jpeg");
metaLandsat.set("wms_style", "");
metaLandsat.set("wms_connectiontimeout", "100");
landsat.metadata = metaLandsat;
Hope anybody could help me with that problem.
Best Regards
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