PHP/MapScript or CSharp/MapScript?

Christian Graefe christian.graefe at WEB.DE
Fri Jun 2 06:25:28 PDT 2006

Hi Zhonghai Wang,

If your are interested in a FOSS C# mapping solution, you may have a look at SharpMap( ).
SharpMap is developed by Morten in pure C# and is quite stable. 

Available data sources:
- Shapefile
- PostGis
- Oracle
- MsSql Server
- OleDb datasources for point informations
- Ecw Raster
- Wms

it also supports labeling and on-the-fly transformation between projected and geographic coordinates.

Give it a try!


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Zhonghai Wang <zhonghaiw at GMAIL.COM>
> Gesendet: 02.06.06 14:52:39
> Betreff: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHP/MapScript or CSharp/MapScript?

> Hi guys,
> after developing a MapServer Demo application based on CGI mode, I realized that MapServer may be the best option for open source WebGIS development. Now I am trying to improve my demo with mapscript, since mapscript provides more powerful things for web GIS application. I noticed that there are different mapscript packages available for MapServer, such as PHP/MapScript and CSharp/MapSscript. Theorically CSharp MapScript may be the best option for me, because I am good at .NET thing, but I am not sure if the CSharp MapScript package is stable enough. I've searched a lot in Internet, and also in the MapServer user list achieves, it seems that most people are using PHP MapScript package for their web mapping application, does this mean that the PHP MapScript package is more stable than any other MapScript packages?
> I'd like your suggestions for my next step. PHP/MapScript or CSharp MapScript?
> thanks in advance.
> zhonghai
> 02.06.2006

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