Query Question

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 2 05:09:42 EDT 2006

You may have to open the layer before reading the items.

Best Regards,


2006/6/2, Thomas Hammerlund <tom at maplink.jp>:
> Hi, I'm trying to query a layer via mapscript but I can't get a count above
> 0 for numitems on the layer object or numvalues off the feature object.  Is
> there a mapfile configuration or mapscript method i'm missing?
> Thank you,
> Tom
> mapscript code : -------------------------------------
> my $map = new mapscript::mapObj($mfpath);
> my $lobj = $map->getLayerByName($lyr);
> my $ret = $lobj->queryByRect($map,$robj);
> my $numRec = $lobj->getNumResults();
> my $results = $lobj->getResults();
> for($i=0;$i<$numRec;$i++){
>  $result = $results->getResult($i);
>  $feature = $lobj->getFeature( $result->{shapeindex} , $result->{tileindex}
> );
> # #$att1 = $feature->getValue( 1 );
> # #$att2 = $feature->getValue( 2 );
>  print $lobj->{numitems} . " " . $result->{shapeindex} . " " .
> $result->{tileindex} . " " .$feature->{numvalues} ." <br>";
> output:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> 0 4443 -1 0
> 0 4446 -1 0
> 0 4452 -1 0
> 0 4455 -1 0
> 0 4471 -1 0
> 0 4472 -1 0
> 0 4477 -1 0
> 0 4479 -1 0
> 0 4483 -1 0
> MAPFILE --------------------------------------
>    NAME m_stores
>    TEMPLATE ""
>    DATA bgshp/m_store_4612
>  END

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