problem with ogr oracle spatial layer
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Wed Jun 7 12:36:39 PDT 2006
Mark Adams wrote:
> Frank,
> Running ogrinfo on the command line, the connection is fast (especially
> if the layer name is specified). In general the results from spatial
> and/or attribute queries run at the command line are fast as well, i.e.
> the result back from oracle happens right away, after which it's really
> just the time it takes to flash the results on screen.
> Despite all this, it still takes 3 to 4 seconds to draw the layer at
> full extents (I'm going by the debug info from mapserver). If the OGR
> work is taking less than a second, the rest is the actual map rendering
> time? Could this be related to the data itself? (In my case the data
> covers a huge swath of northern Canada, with lots of polygons
> overlapping and covering large geographical areas. But then again, it
> draws in a quarter second if I convert to a shapefile.)
Based on your description above, I suspect the time is just moving all
the data out of Oracle, parsing into OGRFeature's, and then converting
those to MapServer objects.
If you use the built in MapServer support for oracle you should get
better performance, but I'm not convinced it will be a lot faster. I
*suspect* all the extra overhead inherent in moving a lot of features out
of the database is grinding up time compared to the very streamlined
data path through Shapefiles.
Is your map render still slow if you zoom into a local region with
relatively few features to pull out of the database?
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,
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